; Automatically generated from ../channels/chan_oss.c

    ; General config options, with default values shown.
    ; You should use one section per device, with [general] being used
    ; for the first device and also as a template for other devices.
    ; All but 'debug' can go also in the device-specific sections.
    ; debug = 0x0		; misc debug flags, default is 0

    ; Set the device to use for I/O
    ; device = /dev/dsp

    ; Optional mixer command to run upon startup (e.g. to set
    ; volume levels, mutes, etc.
    ; mixer =

    ; Software mic volume booster (or attenuator), useful for sound
    ; cards or microphones with poor sensitivity. The volume level
    ; is in dB, ranging from -20.0 to +20.0
    ; boost = n			; mic volume boost in dB

    ; Set the callerid for outgoing calls
    ; callerid = John Doe <555-1234>

    ; autoanswer = no		; no autoanswer on call
    ; autohangup = yes		; hangup when other party closes
    ; extension = s		; default extension to call
    ; context = default		; default context for outgoing calls
    ; language = ""		; default language

    ; If you set overridecontext to 'yes', then the whole dial string
    ; will be interpreted as an extension, which is extremely useful
    ; to dial SIP, IAX and other extensions which use the '@' character.
    ; The default is 'no' just for backward compatibility, but the
    ; suggestion is to change it.
    ; overridecontext = no	; if 'no', the last @ will start the context
				; if 'yes' the whole string is an extension.

    ; low level device parameters in case you have problems with the
    ; device driver on your operating system. You should not touch these
    ; unless you know what you are doing.
    ; queuesize = 10		; frames in device driver
    ; frags = 8			; argument to SETFRAGMENT

    ; ----------------------------- JITTER BUFFER CONFIGURATION --------------------------
    ; jbenable = yes              ; Enables the use of a jitterbuffer on the receiving side of an
                                  ; OSS channel. Defaults to "no". An enabled jitterbuffer will
                                  ; be used only if the sending side can create and the receiving
                                  ; side can not accept jitter. The OSS channel can't accept jitter,
                                  ; thus an enabled jitterbuffer on the receive OSS side will always
                                  ; be used if the sending side can create jitter.

    ; jbmaxsize = 200             ; Max length of the jitterbuffer in milliseconds.

    ; jbresyncthreshold = 1000    ; Jump in the frame timestamps over which the jitterbuffer is
                                  ; resynchronized. Useful to improve the quality of the voice, with
                                  ; big jumps in/broken timestamps, usually sent from exotic devices
                                  ; and programs. Defaults to 1000.

    ; jbimpl = fixed              ; Jitterbuffer implementation, used on the receiving side of an OSS
                                  ; channel. Two implementations are currently available - "fixed"
                                  ; (with size always equals to jbmax-size) and "adaptive" (with
                                  ; variable size, actually the new jb of IAX2). Defaults to fixed.

    ; jbtargetextra = 40          ; This option only affects the jb when 'jbimpl = adaptive' is set.
                                  ; The option represents the number of milliseconds by which the new
                                  ; jitter buffer will pad its size. the default is 40, so without
                                  ; modification, the new jitter buffer will set its size to the jitter
                                  ; value plus 40 milliseconds. increasing this value may help if your
                                  ; network normally has low jitter, but occasionally has spikes.

    ; jblog = no                  ; Enables jitterbuffer frame logging. Defaults to "no".
    ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; below is an entry for a second console channel
; [card1]
    ; device = /dev/dsp1	; alternate device

; Below are the settings to support video. You can include them
; in your general configuration as [general](+,video)
; The parameters are all available through the CLI as "console name value"
; Section names used here are only examples.

[my_video](!)      ; you can just include in your config
    videodevice = /dev/video0	; uses your V4L webcam as video source
    videodevice = X11		; X11 grabber. Dragging on the local display moves the origin.
    videocodec = h263		; also h261, h263p, h264, mpeg4, ...

    ; video_size is the geometry used by the encoder.
    ; Depending on the codec your choice is restricted.
    video_size = 352x288	; the format WIDTHxHEIGHT is also ok
    video_size = cif		; sqcif, qcif, cif, qvga, vga, ...

    ; You can also set the geometry used for the camera, local display and remote display.
    ; The local window is on the right, the remote window is on the left.
    ; Right clicking with the mouse on a video window increases the size,
    ; center-clicking reduces the size.
    camera_size = cif
    remote_size = cif
    local_size = qcif

    bitrate = 60000             ; rate told to ffmpeg.
    fps = 5                     ; frames per second from the source.
    ; qmin = 3                  ; quantizer value passed to the encoder.

; The keypad is made of an image (in any format supported by SDL_image)
; and some configuration entries indicating the location and function of buttons.
; These entries can also be contained in the comment field of the image,
; which is a lot more convenient to manage.
; E.g. for jpeg you can write them with wrjpgcom (part of libjpeg).
; The format to define keys is
;	region = <event> <shape> x0 y0 x1 y1 h
; where <event> is the event to be generated (a digit, pickup, hangup,...)
; <shape> is the shape of the region (currently 'rect' and 'circle' are
; supported, the latter is really an ellipse),  x0 y0 x1 y1 are the
; coordinates of the base of the rectangle or main diameter of the ellipse,
; (they can be rotated) while h is the height of the rectangle or the other
; diameter of the ellipse.
    keypad = /tmp/keypad.jpg
    region = 1 rect   19  18    67  18  28
    region = 2 rect   84  18   133  18  28
    region = 3 rect  152  18   201  18  28
    region = 4 rect   19  60    67  60  28
    region = 5 rect   84  60   133  60  28
    region = 6 rect  152  60   201  60  28
    region = 7 rect   19 103    67 103  28
    region = 8 rect   84 103   133 103  28
    region = 9 rect  152 103   201 103  28
    region = * rect   19 146    67 146  28
    region = 0 rect   84 146   133 146  28
    region = # rect  152 146   201 146  28
    region = pickup rect  229 15  267 15 40
    region = hangup rect  230 66  270 64 40
    region = mute circle  232 141 264 141 33
    region = sendvideo circle  235 185 266 185 33
    region = autoanswer rect 228 212 275 212 50

; another skin with entries for the keypad and a small font
; to write to the message boards in the skin.
    keypad = /tmp/kpad2.jpg
    keypad_font = /tmp/font.png

; to add video support, uncomment this and remember to install
; the keypad and keypad_font files to the right place
; [general](+,my_video,skin2)
  • asterisk/cf/oss.conf.txt
  • Последние изменения: 2016/11/12