[Synopsis] Add a Jitterbuffer to the Read side of the channel. This dejitters the audio stream before it reaches the Asterisk core. This is a write only function. [Description] max_size: Defaults to 200 ms Length in milliseconds of buffer. resync_threshold: Defaults to 1000ms The length in milliseconds over which a timestamp difference will result in resyncing the jitterbuffer. target_extra: Defaults to 40ms This option only affects the adaptive jitterbuffer. It represents the amount time in milliseconds by which the new jitter buffer will pad its size. Examples: exten => 1,1,Set(JITTERBUFFER(fixed)=default);Fixed with defaults. exten => 1,1,Set(JITTERBUFFER(fixed)=200);Fixed with max size 200ms, default resync threshold and target extra. exten => 1,1,Set(JITTERBUFFER(fixed)=200,1500);Fixed with max size 200ms resync threshold 1500. exten => 1,1,Set(JITTERBUFFER(adaptive)=default);Adaptive with defaults. exten => 1,1,Set(JITTERBUFFER(adaptive)=200,,60);Adaptive with max size 200ms, default resync threshold and 40ms target extra. exten => 1,n,Set(JITTERBUFFER(disabled)=);Remove previously applied jitterbuffer NOTE: If a channel specifies a jitterbuffer due to channel driver config uration and the JITTERBUFFER function has set a jitterbuffer for that channel, the jitterbuffer set by the JITTERBUFFER function will take priority and the jitterbuffer set by the channel configuration will not be applied. [Syntax] JITTERBUFFER(jitterbuffer type) [Arguments] jitterbuffer type Jitterbuffer type can be 'fixed', 'adaptive', or 'disabled'. Used as follows. Set(JITTERBUFFER(type)=max_size[,resync_threshold[,target_extra]]) Set(JITTERBUFFER(type)=default)
[See Also] Not available