function 'CURLOPT'
[Synopsis] Set options for use with the CURL() function [Description] cookie - Send cookie with request [none] conntimeout - Number of seconds to wait for connection dnstimeout - Number of seconds to wait for DNS response ftptext - For FTP, force a text transfer (boolean) ftptimeout - For FTP, the server response timeout header - Retrieve header information (boolean) httptimeout - Number of seconds to wait for HTTP response maxredirs - Maximum number of redirects to follow proxy - Hostname or IP to use as a proxy proxytype - http, socks4, or socks5 proxyport - port number of the proxy proxyuserpwd - A <user>:<pass> to use for authentication referer - Referer URL to use for the request useragent - UserAgent string to use userpwd - A <user>:<pass> to use for authentication ssl_verifypeer - Whether to verify the peer certificate (boolean) hashcompat - Result data will be compatible for use with HASH() - if value is "legacy", will translate '+' to ' ' [Syntax] CURLOPT(<option>) [Arguments] Not available
[See Also] Not available